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日期:2018-04-08 点击数: 来源:

      联系人:许老师          电  话:87835726    



序号 学号 学生姓名 论文题目 记分
1 2012861005 秦晓梅 Overexpression   of A RING Finger Ubiquitin Ligase Gene AtATRF1 Enhances Aluminium Tolerance   in Arabid 8
2 2013861009 周莹 Changes   in element accumulation, phenolic metabolism, and antioxidative enzyme   activities in the red 20
3 2014861006 杨爽 Identification   and profiling of miRNAs in overwintering Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus via   next-generatio 8
4 2014862016 冯会强 The   septin protein Sep4 facilitates host infection by plant fungal pathogens via   mediating initiatio 14
5 2015861001 王尚 Identification   and characterization of microRNAs expressed in antennae of Holotrichia   parallela Mots 8
6 2015862002 侯艳明 Comparative   Analysis of Fruit Ripening-Related miRNAs and Their Targets in Blueberry   Using Small RNA 8
7 2016862001 金东昊 Genome-Wide Analysis of CCA1-Like Proteins in Soybean and Functional Characterization of   GmMYB138a 8
8 2016862016 崔彦泽 Female   polymorphism in Chilothrips strobilus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), with the   first description o 4
9 2016862016 崔彦泽 The   genus Anaphothrips with one new species from China (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) 4
10 2016862020 韦翔 Cross-resistance   pattern and basis of resistance in a thiamethoxam-resistant strain of Aphis   gossypi 14
11 2017861001 丛杰 Bioassay-guided   isolation of herbicidal allelochemicals from essential oils of Geranium   carolinianum 8

